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2016-03-23 - 11:39 p.m.

Just be. I say this to you, now, as a friend. Once we were foes and I tried to destroy you. I lept out at your every path of change, hugging your ankles. You could not move. I told you stories of the future, the darkness and gloom and insurmountable habits that await you. On days when I was fed, I pretended to be your friend, but this was all an act. And even though I got to know you and began to like you, to want to come over to your side, to be a team, my old ways sprung forth at the times you needed a friend most. As sure as you ran, I held my foot out along your path. As sure as you stumbled, I stood and watched you helpless, doing nothing. I blamed you for all your pain, defending all your enemies to the death. I denied my betrayals in front of others, when it was convenient. I fed you to the wolves when you sensed danger. I preyed upon your weaknesses, colluding with them, coaxing them from dormancy. But above all these awful things, I am most ashamed of watching you fall into the dark pit, further than I imagined possible, and instead of offering an abundance of rope, I cackled into the air and shamed you further.

But I have now been beaten down. I've seen the err of my ways. My heart can't go back to where it was. Expanding past the shadows, a new life has been given. Rebirth, redemption, renewal, repetition of trite words.

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